Monday, February 16, 2009

I Hate Illogical Arguers

A discussion based on facts is so easily resolved. This is tiring. She doesn't have a leg to stand on and we both know it.

Don't we?

She chatters on with her points, such as they are, seemingly confident in her assertions. Logic so skewed...where does one even begin to rebut?

"The whole premise of your argument is fatally flawed. I hope you realize that," I manage to wedge into her filibuster.

She frowns and continues on, undeterred. Chattering away like a chipmunk. Absurd really. But then, as I give my best disapproving look and struggle to get in a word, I can actually feel the momentum turning against me. Ridiculous!

Panicking, I hear myself blurt out, "Because I'm the Mommy that's why!" I cringe. She turns on her heel, declaring victory. I throw out one last barb, a blatant ad hominem attack, "Don't forget Miss Sassafrass, you are only 3 years old. You are not in charge."

She sends a look back over her shoulder. Is that pity I see in her eyes? And her expression clearly says, "Oh really Mommy? We'll just see about that."


Eva said...

This made me smile. :) Don't you love resorting to those things we swore we'd never say as adults?

Cynthia said...

I know. And some are funny, but some just make you wince when you hear them come out of your mouth.

My Dad always used to say "Cool your jets Winters" (Winters, my maiden name) when I was a kid. He was very military. Sometimes I tell my son to "cool his jets" but it makes us both laugh.

Pamela said...

the look of pity?
I am certain what you think you saw was real.
Those little toots know a whole lot more than they are letting on. The conversation might seem illogical but she knows what she's doing.

cool your jets, winters...

Kurt said...

Heh. There is a real and visceral feeling of helplessness that goes along with arguing with young children. It's why I started drinking. Not really.

I was drinking way before then.

Cynthia said...

@Pammy She so rules around here.

@Kurt It feels sort of like stumbling onto a Japanese game show. I don't know the rules and don't really speak the language but just keep trying to win anyway.

Soda and Candy said...

Oh no, you sound like my husband talking about arguing with me!

Cynthia said...

Uh oh, do you give him "the look" over your shoulder as you walk away. That's where she finishes me off.

Soda and Candy said...

Hahahaha, no, just the utter illogicality. Drives him nuts.

Anonymous said...

My two 2s are just getting to the point where they speak well enought to argue, and Oh, I see the writing on the wall. Illogical, stubborn and socailly undeveloped are a deadly combination!

Cynthia said...

And yours isn't just combination ;
it's multiplication!
